Northdown Road, Margate Annual Rental Of £12,000
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The premises are located in a prime position on the southern side of Northdown Road close to the junction with Godwin Road. Northdown Road is serviced by a number of popular bus route leading to Margate town centre as well as Westwood Cross.
Nearby retailers include Co-Op Funeral Care, Sue Ryder and Premier Supermarket.
The current service charge for this unit for the year 2024/25 is approximately £1,700. The insurance for the year is approximately £980.
Net frontage
5.26 m
17 ft 4 in
Gross Frontage
5.77 m
18 ft 11 in
Internal Width
4.73 m
15 ft 6 in
Shop Depth
9.70 m
31 ft 10 in
Ground Floor sales
47.75 sq m
514 sq ft
Ground Floor Anc
40.22 sq m
433 sq ft
87.98 sq m
947 sq ft
Name | Location | Type | Distance |
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Margate CT9 2RP